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Akcesoria cerytyfikowane UL


  • With adapter AD11 for LK10 and LK11
  • AD12 for LK12 and LKX100
  • LVK for LK13, LK14 and LKX150
  • Length in type code in millimetres
  • Available in aluminium, steel (T), or steel and slanted (VT)
  • Shafts are easy to cut to the correct length


Shaft Reference

Szczegóły produktu

SKU L200AD11
E-numer 3662292
EAN 6419410253113
For Switches: KU & RT 16-40 A, KU 16N-125N A, VKA 125-160 A. Handles (all versions of): LK6, LKX50, LK10 & LK11
Opis Slanted aluminium, 5mm
Typ akcesoria Shaft